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hi Basilio.

The face of Horizon's Frosted Image is very similar to the Chiao Li Ya bitches, except that the eyes could be smaller. I wonder if there is any likeness in blood between the two lines?

I would be very interested to see what her puppies will look like out of your planned mating with Bailey. This will probably be another winner in the Show Ring.

Best Regards!

Thanks for the nice compliment. Actually, if you look at the pedigree of Image, it goes to back to Canton Welsh Lightning(a littermate of PH CH Canton Welsh Storm).

...and yes, she looks quite a lot like the Chiao Li Ya bitches....very pretty but she is heavier boned which hopefully she will pass on to her progenies. Her sire is Indian Sundown, one of the top 20 poms in USA 2009.

hi Basilio, did the mating between Bailey and Frosted Image produce beautiful pups for you? Just excited about this mating. Tks and regards, Joey

No, she missed. She has been shown and very close to her Philippine title, I believe, by now she has 12 points....3 more points to go. So hopefully, before the end of the year, she will be Philippine champion.

You should finish Canton Naughty Dancer since I believe she is 10 points with 2 majors...very close to her title.

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