83: Hadleigh in Taiwan #19

Hadleigh in Taiwan #19

Just like Thailand and Russia is Chriscendo country, Taiwan and Japan is Hadleigh country. Taiwan is the biggest market of the Japanese Hadleigh and even the direct imports of English Hadleigh which eventually went to Taiwan. So, if you look at his pedigree, his sire is from the Paris kennel which is all from Japanese imports and the dam is a Japanese import as well. Many people would put less value to Taiwan Hadleigh when in fact, it is practically the same thing and Hadleigh in Japan. The Taiwan enthusiasts are still the biggest market of the Japanese Hadleigh and this is where the best of the present Japanese Hadleigh go to.

Taiwan and Japan has been second home to me since I have spent a lot of my younger days there...unfortunately, poms were not that popular yet. I have a lot of imports here and I have taken the selection process very carefully.

Pictured Anwari Kuo Long Lin Kennels is quite tightly bred on Superman/Superstar and quite a good producer. He has produced a lot of beautiful pups for me who are part of the future at Canton.



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