47: Understanding Canton Whites and Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians(circa 1998 to present)
Pictured in our front cover is Ph Ch Canton White Martini which exhibits the successful blending of Canton whites and Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians.
When American Judges Fred Bassett and Eugene Blake graced me with their visit to my home and kennel, I was flattered with the complimentary remarks of Fred and particularly surprised with his remembrance of Am Ch Canton White Fantasy, who won Winners Bitch over 46(or 47) females in a Texas Specialty Show many many years ago, (1999?). Many other US Pomeranian breeders have similarly complimented me on her.
Fantasy is the successful cross of a white American dog called Bobby, aka, D and R Lil Bit of Sunshine and an English import Tookeyes on Ice(littermate to Tookeyes The Goldsmith ROM(2), Tookeyes Vanila Slice and Tookeyes Like Ice). I have several earlier, same time and later breedings of this combinations...plus similar breedings using cream/wolf sable Tookeyes combined with similar white American bloodlines from the Blitzen line. Such was the early start of Canton White Pomeranians about 12 years ago. This sort of breeding served as initial foundation of Canton whites...Ph Ch Canton Welsh Storm(3), Ph Ch Bright Light of Canton (4), Ph Ch Canton Bright Lady, Ph Ch White Gold of Canton(5), Ph Ch White Fever of Canton, Ph Ch Canton White Lace, Canton White Illusion(littermate of Am Ch Canton White Fantasy), Canton Cream Fever, and many others.
Though I was still able to breed whites in the second generation, for lack of white gened specimens, I lost a lot of whites by breeding them to my wolf sables/creams and blacks from the Gigolo line putting my whites in a sort of limbo for a while until I could find some decent white outcrosses that I thought would do well with. From this generation comes Ph Ch Canton White Dew(6), Ph Ch Canton Silver Blossom(7), Ph Ch Canton Black Playgirl(8) to name a few.
White imports Am Ch Showin’s Powerball(9), Ph Ch Raffinan’s Starfrost of Millamoor’s(10), and Ph Ch Mustang’s Exotic Frost(11) did well with some champion gets to their credit but not the same success level as my first generation breeding. Amongst this three, Exotic Frost produced the most champion gets: Ph Ch Canton White Bear(12), Ph Ch Canton White Lion(13), Ph Ch Canton White Passion(14), Ph Ch Silver Special(15) and Ph Ch Russ Gr Ch Canton Silver Spoon(16).
With my more recent imports like Am Ch Horizon’s Frosted Image(17: who really goes back to my line from my export of Canton Welsh Lightning-18) and Bailey with a big number of Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians, my white breeding program becomes very exciting.
Now, I basically have 3 group of white bloodlines which are:
- The original Canton whites combining Tookeyes and American Blitzen bloodline.
- Combined bloodline of Eng Ch Derronill’s Maxamillion(19)/Am Ch Ph HOF Canton the Gigolo(20) with my Canton whites(previous item) to give my breeding program the benefits(as discussed in the previous blog) that I have attained in my standard orange breeding program.
- With my present imports of Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians and Bailey(21), plus a good working relationship with its breeder, I expect to be able to heavily integrate this bloodline in my breeding program.
My standard oranges/reds/sables will also be using Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians as an outcross because they are excellent in breed type. They will put a lot of champion oranges/reds/sables to shame when it comes to breed type. Furthermore, using whites in the standard colors will be a good insurance against black skin.
I appreciate Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians a lot. Based on my experience of combining Canton bloodline and Chiao Li Ya, this is a clicking combination. By this time, Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians has been infused in my breeding program with my initial purchase of Westley(22) in 2002(circa). Initially, I was very careful because I wanted to see first how this combination will work. Now I know. I have Chiao Li Ya as far as two generations back in my pedigree as can be seen in Canton Black Rebel(23). He is a son of Ph Gr Ch Canton Black Ice(24-black),a Gigolo(black) son and a white American bitch who is now in Italy. Rebel’s dam is cream called Canton Wanda(25), a littermate of Ph Ch Canton Western Express(26)...both of whom was sired by Westley(a Ph Ch Chiao Li Ya white) from a dam called Ph Ch Canton Black Playgirl, again a Gigolo daughter from Canton White Satin(27), a littermate of Ph Ch Canton White Dew....very heavy on Tookeyes. So, here is Black Rebel who is heavily linebred on Gigolo 2-3 and who is a white gene carrier who is waiting to be bred to my whites! So, whether I breed him to my original Canton whites(Line 1) or my Maxamillion/Gigolo line(Line 2) or Bailey/Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians(Line 3), I am sure I will be getting quality white, creams/wolf sables or black puppies. Those that do not turn out to be whites can be bred back to whites and the chances of getting whites will be more and more.
I have been advised by several people that I should not promote Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians but rather push my very own Canton Pomeranians because it would be competing with my own breeding. I have thought this over and I am not insecure about the quality of my breeding...it can stand its own. In fact, combining both bloodlines will be contributing to the Pomeranian breed improvement. I want to give credit where it is due. Since Mr Hsieh has been kind enough to let me have some of his wonderful dogs, he should be credited for that....and that I could do by showing his dogs and helping him find good show or breeding homes for his wonderful dogs. In the process, I would be helping myself. Presently, some of what I have bought from him has been shared with other genuine Pomeranian enthusiasts locally and around the world...people who wants to do whites or who want to infuse whites to other colors particularly to the standard colors that needs this color so badly as an insurance against black skin. As many people know, black skin is the biggest problem of American Pomeranian breeders. One high profile American breeder tells me that he/she is trying to get ANY white Pomeranians just to get out of this problem....ANY... because no good white seems to be available. Now, I can really say, that I will have a lot of good stock to share.
Pictured on the left are Tino, Frank Hsieh(Chiao Li Ya) and myself.
I cannot end this blog without talking about Mr Cheng-Ju Hsieh of Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians. I met Mr Hsieh more than ten years ago when he was still doing the standard orange/red/sables. At that time he was still a policeman-teacher doing Pomeranians as a passionate hobby. He was introduced to me by our mutual friend Charlie Chuang who in turn was introduced many years earlier by Derek Hill(Derronill Pomeranians). Now, he is retired/resigned from his job and doing Pomeranian breeding full time and doing exclusively whites. I cannot help but be amazed with the breed type that he has attained in whites. His dogs are sort of like Chriscendo looking in white with a much sweeter face.
Being in Pomeranians for 33 years, it is very hard for me to get impressed. There are very few people whose work in Pomeranian I admire
...Gladys Dyke(Hadleigh), the queen of Pomeranians whose reputation span decades and whose scope of influence in the pom world makes impossible to equal or reach.
...there are many others who have made great contributions to the Pomeranian world but I do not think it will be at the same level of Hadleigh. There is not one that has dominated the Pomeranian world the way Hadleigh did. Perhaps, given the opportunity to a wider exposure to the Western world, Mr Hsieh(Chiao Li Ya) may be that for whites. Presently, most of his highly priced whites go to the Japan and China. Lucky for me, I now have 6 males from him of which 3 are ROC champions.....plus a big number of wonderful females. Some of the Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians at Canton as can be seen below:
Pictured above are as follows: 29.ROC Ch Bai Fu Yong of Chiao Li Ya(Bailey); 30.ROC Ch Gundolf of Chiao Li Ya; 31.ROC Ch Tonghey of Chiao Li Ya; 32.Bai Wei Hsiung of Chiao Fu Hang(Beowolf); 33.Fennel of Chiao Li Ya; 34.Countess of Chiao Li Ya; 35.Oda of Chiao Li Ya; 36.Quincy of Chiao Li Ya; 37.Ida of Chiao Li Ya; 38.Chomuli of Chiao Li Ya; 39.Irony of Chiao Li Ya; 40.Flute of Chiao Li Ya; 41.Hasala of Chiao Li Ya; 42.Isa of Chiao Li Ya; 43.Gerhild of Chiao Li Ya; 44.Baibo of Chiao Li Ya; 45.Quincy of Chiao Li Ya; 46.Jay of Chiao Li Ya; 47.Lira of Chiao Li Ya; 48.Ellen of Chiao Li Ya; 49.Woei Hsi of Chiao Li Ya(Westley); 50.Pol Canton of Chiao Li Ya; 51.Yama Canton of Chiao Li Ya; 52. Boto of Chiao Li Ya
Complimenting this with my own white breeding program, I hope to be the Chiao Li Ya gateway to the Western world where I have good communication links. For the past two-three months, I have sent several Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians to Russia, Italy, England(in process) and the USA(in process).
Cheng-Ju Hsieh of Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians will be judging the Philippine Pomeranian Club Inc Specialty and All Breed Show detailed as follows:
Pomeranian Specialty show on November 6, 2010, and FCI groupings 2G, 5G(except Pomeranians), 9G of our All Breed Show on November 7, 2010.
October 14, 2010
Comments only. For inquiries, click here.
I love your whites.....all of them, and I have one of yours I believe in a 2 generations back (grandmother) here is the Ped. if you would like to see... http://www.whitepoms.org/STORMISKYEPED.html
I would love to know more about "Phil Ch Canton Wondering Star"TR635400/01 10-07
Thank you so much!
Ph Ch Wondering Star has been exported to the US.
I would just like to thank you Basilio for all your help and information about the white pomeranians of Chiao Li Ya as it has really helped me understand them. I love how open you are about things and don't hide anything.
Your a star, thank you.
tottally agree with you: white is excellent in breed type !
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