28: Bailey, the White Pomeranian that Makes Me Smile!

Many old-time Pomeranian breeders have tried to breed good white Pomeranians without much success.  I too, have tried doing whites for quite a while with many encouraging results having produced a lot of white Philippine champions.   Many will remember my  Am Ch Canton White Fantasy whom I sent to Sharon Hanson(Janshar) winning Winners Bitch in a Texas Specialty Show over 47 females in the year 1999.  This was when I was just getting started.   

My white breeding program is based on earlier/repeat/similar breedings of White Fantasy which is a combination of the white American poms from Am Ch Ryals Sir Blitzen and the creams/wolf sables from Tookeyes Welsh Gold(sire of Tookeyes, the Goldsmith, ROM).  Over the years of breeding whites,  I have gradually acquired and produced  some white/white factored dogs, most of which can be seen in my Boys Page, Girls Page and Champion Page  of my web.   

Oftentimes, as they get to be whiter and as I linebreed, their progenies tend to go back to the looks and structure of their original white spitzy ancestors .  Furthermore, for lack of a sufficient white gene pool, I end up  breeding to a cream or wolf sable or even a black, sacrificing the color to get the quality, thereby going a few steps backwards in my white objective. Thus, instead of having a good line-up of white bitches, what I have now are creams/wolf sable white factored females.  This has thus placed me in a position that to produce more whites, I need a new white male which would complement my breeding program, not only in producing white but also quality puppies.  So, off to Taiwan I go. 

As many people know, the best whites in Taiwan are produced by  Mr Cheng Ju Hsieh.  This is an undisputable fact considering that this has been his specialization over the years.  He has a lot of tie-ups with many white local breeders who act as his contract growers and will only sell thru him.  Accordingly, he has the numbers giving me the assurance of a wide range of choices.  I remember,  about 5 years ago, I bought my beautiful white Westley, aka , Ph Ch Woei Hsi of Chiao Li Ya from him.  Now, my target was to get another boy, maybe, two. 

He showed me a lot of whites, many of them quite nice but nothing that really tickled my fancy…

I explained that I wanted a good show- quality male with good movement , short back and a pretty face.

I further explained, that I wanted a pushed-in baby doll face…with a short wedge-shaped muzzle.  Reluctantly, he showed me Bailey, aka KCT Ch Bai Fu Yong of Chia Li Ya(Taiwan) which he said he used for his breeding and was never offered for sale.  He said that he would consider selling him to me…I suppose this was  because of our mutual friend Charlie and my past courtesies when he visited me in the Philippines.   

My only reaction when I saw Bailey was to smile and be resolved to take him home!  The price was something I was not prepared to pay and it was the most expensive dog I ever bought in my life.  Bailey came  home with me with two nice good white bitches, Fennel  of Chiao Li Ya and Countess of Chiao Li Ya. 

Pictured below upper row;  lower row is Tino with Fennel, Mr Hsieh with Bailey, and myself with Countess. 



Another reason for my visit to Taiwan was a follow-up visit to my earlier visit.  Last year, I purchased one male and three females from the line of Jap Ch Hadleigh Superman line from Mr Hsiao-Ting Huang.   

I also saw some nice male poms from another rich woman doctor  who owned a big kennel basically having purchased  the stock of a certain breeder  who had  made several direct imports from Japan for millions.   Again, her prices, were way above what I was prepared to pay.  They so much reminded me of my earlier Eng Ch Hadleigh Shining Star sons that I bought so many years ago from Kazu Igarashi.  I funded Mr Huang the stud fees for these dogs with the understanding  that I will have the pick of each litter at a pre-arranged price.    I was told that there were 2 litters from these breedings and now they were about 8 months old and it was time to collect them.   

After taking my pick of two female youngsters, ie,  one from each litter, I was pleasantly surprised to find out more about the pedigrees of  the sires who were KCT Ch Paris’s Sheau Fei Shya and Drum of Paris Kennel who were both direct sons of Jap Ch Hadleigh Dragon Fly from different Hadleigh-bred bitches.  The bitches Mr Huang used were basically from Jap Ch Happy Sound of Madono(a Superman grandson) and Liebling Wele JP Nice in Birdie(a half brother of Superman). 

Pictured below from left to right:  Me, Mr Huang, Charlier Chuang and Tino saying our goodbyes at the airport. 


August 14, 2009 



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Hi Sir,

Bailey is such a treasure. He's so handsome. I wish that one day, I can also afford to have a pom like him.

In my opinion, Fennel is cute but I find Countess more grand & beautiful.

I missed taking pictures with them when you showed me.

You know what ? My vet told me that one of his client was telling him that when he went to your place, he saw your new imports, bailey & co. You what was my reaction?

I told him "yes", Mr Yap has a new white pom Bailey. I was just lucky given the chance to take a look at them last week. I even told them that I was able to hug Bailey & the rest of the new imports who where just flown in just that day.

It was a lucky day for me.

Thanks for sharing.



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