48: Mr Hsieh Cheng-Ju(Frank Hsieh) and the Philippine Pomeranian Club Inc

48: Mr Hsieh Cheng-Ju(Frank Hsieh) and the Philippine Pomeranian Club Inc.

November 6 & 7, 2010 were busy days for the Philippine Pomeranian Club Inc.

On the 6th, we had our 31st & 32nd Breed Specialty Championship Show with judging being done by Dr Orlino F Hosaka(Philippines) and our special guest Mr Hsieh Cheng-Ju(Taiwan) of the world famous Chiao Li Ya Pomeranians. Mr Hsieh graciously agreed to hold a grooming seminar a la Japanese and Taiwan style where the glorious mane of the Pomeranian was kept intact as contrasted to the American style where the fronts are rigorously chopped off to give the Pomeranian a shorter than square profile. Fortunately for us, at the last minute, 2 individuals, namely Michael and Sam Farro did a video of the whole presentation both of which I want to share below: 




On the 7th, we then had our 13th and 14th ALL BREED Dog Show with Mr Mario Magsaysay and Mr Ronnie Natividad, both from the Philippines judging.  In the ring of Mr Magsaysay, Mr Hsieh judged FCI  Group 2 – Pinscher and Schnauzer, Group 5 – Spitz and the Primitive Types(except for Pomeranians which he judged the previous day) and Group 9 – Companion and Toy Dogs.

The following are the show results for the 4 shows held over the weekend:

The four dog shows had mostly different  winners.  The only consistent winners that I could see were:

…..Ph Ch Ch Yingyang Black Knight who won the Breed once but was runner up to different dogs in the other 3 shows.  Knight was almost sold twice and I am very glad that I kept him.  He is a black intended for my chocolate breeding program having a chocolate father and a chocolate-parti factored black mother.  His has a litter of 3 females(2 chocolates and 1 black) from a chocolate bitch.

…..Am Ch Horizon’s Frosted Image won Winners Bitch and Best Opposite twice and Reserve Winners Bitch twice. 


November 9, 2010



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