45: Understanding Canton Pomeranians: 1977 to present (Part 2)

Much discussions of the origins of Canton Pomeranians has been done in my various kennel visit and revisit with the Pom Reader, so my blog readers are welcome to read them in the About US portion of this web page, under the section Magazine Articles.  There are a lot of other articles here and it may open a lot of information for anyone interested including an lengthy breeder-kennel interview with the Indian Gazette.  So, for those who have not read this portion, please enjoy.

I suppose, today, if I were to look at my Pomeranians and compare them with  what I had 33 years ago when I started OR about 23 years ago when I restarted the second time around, I like to talk about  how are they different...or rather what improvement I have done on the breed. 

First and foremost, I have improved on the front assembly of my Hadleigh-BevNor based Pomeranians.   I can proudly say that my fronts will be extremely very hard to beat and they cannot be any better.  This is best exemplified with Am Ph HOF Canton the Gigolo(3) and his descendants....Ph HOF Canton Braveheart, Am Tha Ch Ph HOF Canton Bravestar(4), Ph HOF Canton Moneybox, Ph HOF Canton Britestar...and many other Gigolo descendants.  I owe this to my outcrossing to Am Ch Valcopy Wakham Valentino(2) who is a Am Ch Finch He Walks on Water son(1) and a Am Ch Chriscendo Calvin Klein grandson on the mother side.  In the interest of continuity, I refrain from talking more about front assembly but will do so later in this blog.


Secondly, I have improved on my bodies.  From  medium- soft, medium- limpy bodies like paper that can easily be blown away, my bodies and bones are like Christopher Reeves in the movie:  Superman...hard like a rock...really macho!  When you see a Canton Pomeranian, you will find a nice small dog but when you pick him up, you will be amazed at his well rounded body...hard as a rock...and since my earlier foundation sire is Gigolo, it can only be credited to him.  At the same time, I have kept away from having an excessively coarse and heavy bones sticking to the medium bone specifications of the new AKC standard, which has been earlier altered from the KC and earlier AKC specification of fine bones; an exaggeration of such a coarse and heavy bones is contrary to the breed standard even if all round judges find this generalistic aspect desirable.  Sorry, it is simply not the Pomeranian breed standard!

Thirdly, is the triple A(AAA) personality which again can be attributed to my Gigolo.  My Pomeranians used to have outgoing personality but with the blend of Gigolo, it became stronger and UNBREAKABLE, so to speak!  When I see other Pomeranians, I cannot feel more pleased on how my poms excel in this aspect.

Fourthly, I have improved tremendously in coat density, texture, and to a faster and earlier developing coat.  This can be best exemplified by Ph Gr Ch Canton Dreamer and his son Ph Ch Canton Dreamaker has even a better coat.  In my whole Pomeranian experience, I have not seen better coat...this is the ultimate in coat.  My outcross breeding  to Parker, aka, Am Ch Pufpride Sweet Dreams has to be given credited for this success


...and I suppose, Am Ch Oakridge Rock N Tradition and Am Ch Fame Gift of the Spirit contributed further to the fantastic coat of Dreamaker.  I have kept away from the super glamorous and irresistible cottonish coat textured coat which is many judges are impressed with and put up.  I rather lose in a dog show than follow the bandwagon of promoting soft cottonish coat which is an AKC major fault.

Fifthly, my Pomeranians are now really up on their toes like ballet dancers... tiptoed compared to being down on the pastern which is considered a major fault.  This is best exemplified by Am Tha Ch Ph HOF Canton Bravestar(8) and many other Canton Pomeranians.  Where did this come from?  From selective breeding...choosing dogs that have this trait.  Later on this blog, I will share a trade secret on how to enhance this.


With all these improvements, what do I regret having lost...or rather get back again in the same level of what I used to? My pomeranian headpieces have been very strong in the past with the typical English Hadleigh wedged shaped muzzles and almond shaped eyes.  I can see that I am losing its prepotency little by little.  Though my headpieces are still very good, I miss the concentrated genes and looks what I used to have.  And so, I have to breed this trait back in my breeding program. 

...and so, my pursuit of excellence goes on.


One of the hardest things to understand in my earlier learning years was the front assembly.  Michael Hughes Hall, a South African judge, now residing in England did a real good job teaching me.  Now it is my turn to share.  I will attempt to do it by this illustration below which I have lifted from one of the books I have read in the past....with my additional comments/scribbings inscribed.



  1.  Correct lay of shoulder......will give the dog a long reach and drive that is now desirable in Pomeranians giving that flying movement.  I remember one Indian judge commenting that my Pomeranian moved liked a poodle.
  2. Upright shoulder................will give a restrictive frontal movement that is common in the earlier classical Pomeranians from which the expression “small fast stepping movement comes from.”

Accordingly, when I select a puppy or adult to buy, breed or keep, I feel the front shoulders in search of that triangle and steep 45 degree angle to ensure that the dog has a good reach.


Another trade secret that I want to share is how to keep the Pomeranian tiptoed.   A lot of it has to be with genetics but  a lot of it has to do with the upkeep.  The rule is always keep the nails and hair in between the paws short.  Cut them once a week.  Groom the leg coat daily with a slicker brush to enhance its growth and trim it to give it a neat look plus trimming enhances coat growth.


September 14, 2010



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