Bloodlines Behind Our White & Exotic Colored Pomeranians
Our white breeding program came from our imported wolf sable Tookeyes stock mostly by Tookeyes Welsh Gold crossed with white America stock from the line of Am Ch Ryal's Sir Blitzen.
The origins of the mix of the foundation of white Canton Pomeranians
This combination produced our initial white champions and served as the foundation of our white gene pool. Perhaps, of most significance to our white breeding program are Ph Ch Canton Welsh Storm and Ph Ch Canton White Lace who produced Canton White Dew(our second generation breeding doubled up on Tookeyes Welsh Gold 2-3).
...and perhaps our most well known white is Am Ch Canton White Fantasy(similarly bred to our Ph Ch Canton White Lace) who won Winners Bitch in the Texas Nationals over 47 females.
To expand my limited white gene pool, several white males were imported, namely:
...Ph Ch Woei Hsi of Chiao Li Ya(Taiwan) (Westley)
...Ph Ch Mustang's Exotic First Frost(US)
...Ph Am Ch Showin's Powerball(US)
...Ph Ch Raffinan's Starfrost of Millamoors(US)
Ph Ch Woei Hsi of Chiao Li Ya(Westley) produced Ph Ch Canton Kiss Me Cupid and Ph Ch Canton White Marshmallow.
Ph Ch Mustang's Exotic First Frost have produced champions for us namely Ph Ch Canton White Bear, Ph Ch Canton White Lion, Ph Ch Canton Silver Spoon, Ph Ch Silver Special.
Our Maxamillion lined wolf sable dogs/bitches were also bred to white or white factored partners. A fine example of this is our wolf sable female Canton Polka bred to Ph Ch Mustang's Exotic First Frost produced littermate champions Ph Ch Canton Silver Special(who has been producing white pups for us) and Ph Ch Canton Silver Spoon(who was exported to Russia).
In our desire to breed the best whites, we have also bred Am Ch Ph HOF Canton the Gigolo and his progenies to the best of our white bitches hoping to eventually produce white Gigolos. White Factored Champion gets from these breeding are:
Our exotic-color breeding program: To simplify classification of exotics, I would divide them into two categories:Dilutes and Patterned Colors.
DILUTES: Chocolates, blues, lavenders
PATTERNED COLORS: Black and Tan, Parti Colors, Tri Colors, Brindles, Merles
Except for the black and tan, these exotic colors are quite challenging because breeders over the years have neglected them or even bred them out of existence. As of now, they are very undeveloped and this is where I find the challenge. Using basic principles of the Mendelian theory, I am attempting to breed them in better quality by mixing in my better quality standard colors but in the process, I am losing the colors. Now, I have them in better quality but not in the right color. Like the whites, I am hopeful that in the next generation, they will be in the right colors.
Some of our Exotic Imports
Some of our First Generation Exotics with at least one Exotic Parent
For more information on White & Exotic Colored Pomeranians from Canton Kennels: The Joy of Breeding Pomeranians in Different Colors